Destin van de Romerweide

Destin van de Romerweide kop DSC00903

Destin van de Romerweide is a blond daughter of Ronda van de Romerweide, born 16th August 2004. Destin van de Romerweide is a rather large, happy bitch. She is even a little bigger than her mother. Destin van de Romerweide has one very known capacity of our kennel with her, she really likes to hug. Although she also loves playing and her most favourite hobby is swimming.

Destin van de Romerweide was trained in obedience and breitensport. She also did well in showing. She has got several excellent reports and first places.

November 2006 Destin van de Romerweide made her charactertest. She made it wonderful and showed herself as she is, happy. Destin has an A hipscore and also the ECVO eyetest is perfect.

Destin van de Romerweide had three litters, U-litter, L-litter and A-litter.