Rodan van de Romerweide hovawalla


02-07-2000 †28-04-2009


Rodan was a dog with a perfect health. His owners always did a lot with him. Rodan did obedience but he also did IPO training. He always did with a lot of pleasure. The coming of a new familymember Rick didn’t give him any problem. Rick was accepted and guarded. Rick and Rodan were perfect friends. At the beginning of April Rodan çouldn’t eat and drink anymore. With help from the vet he was temporarily getting a little better. Then kidneyfailure was diagnosed. The vets couldn’t help him anymore. Luc and Elina decided to stop the suffering for Rodan and let him put asleep at home. Luc and Elina, thank you very much for all your care and the dogfriendly farewell you gave Rodan.